Thursday, April 14, 2011

Poisonous Snakes!

Have you ever wondered how a poisonous snake bites?A poisonous snake carries it’s venom in two poison sacs.The sacs are next to the two upper jaws. The two sacs are also next to the snakes teeth we call fangs.

The two fangs are connected to the two sacs.The poison runs from the sacs to the two fangs.The poison runs in the middle.

The moment the snake bites, the poison is forced through the flesh into the body. You better watch out!

1 comment:

  1. Hello Jonita you have made an awesome blog post about snakes it was really interesting because they are poisonous snakes and how the poison forces threw and into there body and how it turns into flesh WOW it is so awesome when you write great stories the one thing you need to work on is just to proof read your work other than that you are amazing.
    Keep Up the awesome work Jonita Hope you can come and vist my blog again some time!!


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