Tuesday, March 20, 2012

My Mihi

Ko Jonita taku ingoa
Tekau oku tau
Ko John toku matua
Ko Ita toku whaea
Ko Lufi raua ko Tauvasa oku kuia
Ko Iulai toku koro
Ko Mt Vaia te maunga
Ko Tamaki te awa
Ko Pt England toku kura
Ko Mr Burt te tumuaki
No Samoa ahau
Kei Otahuhu toku kainga noho
He parou oku whatu
He parou toku makawe
Ko Tyla-Marie toku hoa

1 comment:

  1. Hey Jonita,

    I like how you spoke for your mihi. It was very nice to hear. Do you like doing the mihi? Did you do your mihi off by heart or did you look at the person who was holding the paper?

    Keep up the great work.


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